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Travelling with Cannabis in Canada

Travelling with Cannabis in Canada

Quick notes on Canada Cannabis Travel: The maximum amount anyone can carry is 30 grams of dried flower. The cannabis should be contained in child-proof containers, and the original bill
History of Cannabis Legalization in Canada

History of Cannabis Legalization in Canada

Cannabis is a psychoactive intoxicant and is also known as marijuana. Cannabis was banned in Canada from 1923 until 2001 when the Canadian Government made cannabis legal. Seventeen years later,
Cannabis Consumption Methods

Cannabis Consumption Methods

Cannabis Consumption Methods – Smoking One of the most well-known ways to consume cannabis is by smoking it. When you smoke cannabis, you light the flower and breathe in the
Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid

Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid

Sativa Typical CBD to THC ratio: Sativa has lower CBD levels and higher THC levels. Commonly associated side effects of use: Sativas most common side effects include a “mind high”


Are you a newbie to cannabis? For starters, you need to know the difference between THC and CBD. Both cannabinoids are derived from the cannabis plant, but they are vastly